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Home > Templates > 02 - Health & Safety File Template
02 - Health & Safety File Template
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The Health and Safety File is a set of record documentation, (a suite of manuals and drawings), for the client/end user focused primarily on health and safety when dealing with maintenance, repair or construction works carried out to the premises.


It is the requirement of the CDM Regulations that the Client ensure that the Health and Safety File is kept available for inspection by any person who may need information in the file for the purpose of complying with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on him by or under the relevant statutory provisions.


The file should be made available for any persons who need to work on or operate any building related tasks. Any future works carried out to the building or its services should be documented and recorded in the Health and Safety File.


This information is usually compiled by the Lead Designer with content provided by the Client, Designers and Construction Team.


Fig 01 - H&S Requirements



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