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Home > User Management > 04. Understanding User Roles
04. Understanding User Roles
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The user access level will usually depend on what role the individual has within the project.  Below are the user role categories:


Read Only - View content within the Documents they have been given access to but cannot make any changes or comment


Reviewer - View content within the Documents they have been given access to and make comments when their Document is in a review Milestone


Reviewer with Edit - View, edit, upload files, change schedule descriptions and make comments when in a review Milestone of Documents they have access to.


Document Admin - All of the Reviewer with Edit role with the addition of being able to move milestones, add, rename and delete sections within the Documents they have access to.


Site Admin - All of the Document Admin role with the addition of adding users and managing workflows across the entire Site and not only the Document.  This is the level Edocument's staff have.


User Admin - Ability to manages user access and has read only status at the document level. 


Integration Manager - Ability to configure API connections to external data sources.


All users have access to the Project Dashboards but the content may vary depending on user role i.e. a Reviewer for the Window Schedule will only see content on the Dashboard relating to that schedule.


The user can identify their access viewing the bottom righthand corner of their screen:


There may be occasions where External User is displayed, this is a user that doesn't have a designated role within the Document i.e. Site Admin (access all areas) or a user that isn't within the project team as they are completing a specific task.


Working on multiple Projects/Sites a user may have varying access so the user role on the screen my switch. 

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