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Home > FAQ's > User Management FAQ's > How do I know what access level I have?
How do I know what access level I have?
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Security is controlled at document level. 


The user can identify their access viewing the bottom righthand corner of their screen:


Note: The User Status may switch based on Access Levels when working across multiple sites, projects, documents. 




Read Only - View and download content.


Reviewer - Comment on content which is in a "Review" Milestone step, using the "Add Task/Comment" feature.


Reviewer with Edit - Create and edit content, including file management. Review content as detailed above.


Document Admin - All of the Reviewer with Edit role with the addition of being able to move milestones, add, rename and delete template sections.


Site Admin - All of the Document Admin role with the addition of user management, workflow management for multiple documents.  This is usually the Edocument's staff access level.


External User - For Users who only have restricted access to only specific sections of the content e.g. supply chain package technical author.


User Admin - All of the Read-Only role with the addition of user management at document level. 


Integration Manager - Ability to configure API connections to external data sources.


All users have access to the Project Dashboards but the content may vary depending on user role i.e. a Reviewer for the Window Schedule will only see content on the Dashboard relating to that schedule.


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