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Home > Templates > 07 - Summary Sections / Exports
07 - Summary Sections / Exports
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The following Summary Sections are for information only and may appear in the online template.


They are generate automatically and don't require any user input, as it collects the information from the O&M manuals.


If you need to add, edit or delete, you will need to find the relevant section in the O&M manual and change the content, after which these summaries will update.


Asset Register/CAFM Export


Springboard standard output extract for Mechanical Services (.xlsx). Auto-generated from O&M content. Customisations available.


Fig 01 - Springboard standard output - Asset Register/CAFM

Note: Spreadsheet example view rotated 90 degrees to fit on page.


Planned Preventative Maintenance Summary Section

Springboard Standard output extract for Mechanical Services (.docx). Auto-generated from O&M content.


Fig 02 - Springboard standard output - PPM


Spares List Summary Section

Springboard Standard output extract for Mechanical Services (.docx). Auto-generated from O&M content.


Fig 03 - Springboard standard output - Spare List


Residual Risk Register Summary Section

Springboard Standard output extract (.docx). Auto-generated from O&M content and located in the Health & Safety File.


Fig 04 - Springboard standard output - Residual Risk Register

Return to Template Overview for how to download. 

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