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Home > Templates > 05 - Operating & Maintenance Manuals Template
05 - Operating & Maintenance Manuals Template
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The operating and maintenance manuals are created on a system by system basis or construction element basis, with ALL information related to that system or element contained within. For the purposes of this template these are referred to as System O&M Manuals. (SOMM).


These systems are elements are usually defined in the Architectural & MEP Services Specifications.


Note: It is NOT a package manual containing many systems or elements. Therefore if a sub-contractor of supplier is providing a package of works it is likely to be split into several systems or elements. Therefore, each O&M template has a unique set of requirements based on the PIR (project information requirements).


Each SOMM comprises of 1 system with many products located in the Equipment & Materials Schedules.


  • System O&M Name
  • System Overview & Description
  • System Operation
  • System Maintenance
  • System Equipment & Materials Schedules
    • Product A  - Technical requirements and associated literature, Certificates, Warranties, Drawings
    • Product B - Technical requirements and associated literature, Certificates, Warranties, Drawings
    • Product C -  Technical requirements and associated literature, Certificates, Warranties, Drawings
  • System Certificates 
  • System Drawings


Certificates and Drawings related to a larger scope such as floor areas (general arrangement), building, project or site are usually located in a separate document or section.


To comply with Health & Safety Legislation and contractual requirements you will need to ensure accurate as built information is provided for the installed systems, so as to enable the user to safely, optimally and economically operate and maintain the system and equipment.


Note:  One required for every individual element or system. Example only, project specific requirements will be detailed in the project AIR (Asset Information Requirements).


Fig 01 - System/Package Details


1. System Overview:

An overview of the system including its purpose and design criteria. It should state if the system is an extension of the current system or stand alone.  This should be a brief overview that can be used for any non-technical user guide.

Installer to type information in here.


2. System Description:

A detailed description of how the system, package, plant or equipment is installed and constructed.  Please include how it is fed (including isolation valves and switches), what it serves, making reference to any interfaces to other system or battery backups.  Do not go into supplier detail as this will be provided in the Equipment & Material Schedule.  

Installer to type information in here.


3. Equipment & Material Schedules:

This is an example of the  in the Equipment & Material Schedule which will be based on the project information requirements and asset information requirements.

The schedule displayed is a summary of the type information. To view and add additional information, click the "View/Edit Details" button.

Installer to type information in each of  cells in product data template.

3.1 Name of Materials or Equipment Schedule 01 (Product Data)

Note:  One required for every Product (Type) installed as part of an element or system. 



3.2 Name of Materials or Equipment Schedule 02 (Product Data)

Installer to add schedules as required.

3.3 Name of Materials or Equipment Schedule 03 (Product Data)

Installer to add schedules as required.


4. System Operation

Start Up

Description of how to start up the system from a shut down to a normal operating condition

​If any of these sections don’t apply – state not applicable.

Installer to type information in here.


Provide details of expected settings, set points, status during normal operation. Detail how the system is designed to work for the end users in both automatic and manual modes. Describe any end user controls including manual or emergency overrides or interfaces. 

​If any of these sections don’t apply – state not applicable.

Installer to type information in here.


Detail how the user would shut down the system for maintenance or repair.

​If any of these sections don’t apply – state not applicable.

Installer to type information in here.


Detail how to shut off the system in an emergency.  Also include how to reset and return the system to normal operation. Provide details of any backup power supplies or who to contact.

​If any of these sections don’t apply – state not applicable.

Installer to type information in here.

Fault Finding

Details of typical fault finding procedures for systems. Refer to specific manufacturers’ literature (section and page numbers) where equipment fault finding can be found.

​If any of these sections don’t apply – state not applicable.

Installer to type information in here.


5. Maintenance


Provide a maintenance summary for each item, together with the frequency.


TIP: Don’t repeat the manufacturers’ procedures if these are already provided as part of the literature, it should detail information that is not included in the manufacturers information or project specific.


Alternatively, if this is the maintenance procedure and there is no literature to refer to, then list the actual tasks and frequencies step by step.


Fig 03 - Equipment/System Name


6. System Certificates


Fig 04 - System Certificates 


7. System Drawings


Fig 05 - System Drawings


Return to Template Overview for how to download. 

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