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Home > Templates > 01 - Templates Overview
01 - Templates Overview
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The templates contain mandatory set of data fields determined by the PIR (project information requirements) ready for the authors to enter and upload information. Some of the date fields comprise of drop down lists or auto- populated (pre-filled) from models and other data sources.


  • All information providers and reviewers (designers, constructors, suppliers and sub-contractors) are required to input their data directly into Springboard to meet the required programme dates
  • The Equipment & Materials Schedules can be pre-populated with data imported from spreadsheets or models. Please ask the Springboard Project Manager about this
  • Do not upload pre-compiled documents (word, excel, pdf) as this information must be entered directly into the online templates. The exception being manufacturers information, which needs to be uploaded as individual .pdf files
  • Accurate and validated as built information is required to reflect the construction the enable safe, economic and optimum operation and maintenance of the facility


This will ensure:

  • A detailed audit trail is available at all stages of the information management process
  • Information can be automatically checked and validated
  • Comments and reviews are accurately captured
  • Information can be automatically shared to create other documents e.g. asset registers, PPM schedules
  • Can be connected and exported to 3D models, CAFM systems and other databases 


Please ensure you have the suitable resources to create and review this information:

  • All fields (content, data, files)  must be completed by the relevant author (designer, contractor, sub-contractor, supplier) who is responsible for the accuracy of the information entered within the templates. Any fields that are not applicable must be marked as N/A
  • Springboard has built-in validation rules to help authors provide the correct level of information
  • Once complete, information is then checked (validated, verified and reviewed) with comments sent electronically in the form of tasks to the author for action until closed


Springboard Platform will be managed by the Information Manager: 

  • R - Responsible: The person who does the work to achieve the task
  • A - Accountable: The person who is accountable for the completion of the task
  • C - Consulted: Providers of project information  
  • I -  Informed: People kept informed of progress



Certificates and Drawings - (Construction Record)

These will usually be uploaded to the Project CDE (file sharing area) and the Springboard Information Manager will collate these at Construction Record (CR) of Final Issue status.


Exports and Outputs

By entering your information into Springboard you are not required to provide separate handover documentation, as the Springboard Information Manager will deliver all the required outputs in the required formats, complete with index, page numbering and hyperlinks.


If you require a copy of your information for your own records you can download and export into word and excel formats.


Final documents are delivered on electronic media by Edocuments.  The encrypted memory stick version is a fully formatted, indexed and hyperlinked document complete with full printing facilities. All documentation including manufacturers literature, certificates and drawings are in PDF format and are accessed and viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader©.  The electronic off-line media will contain drawings in Autocad© format and the main textual sections in Microsoft Word© format, enabling the documents to be updated.


PDF: Springboard 11433 Lib Ref: Edocuments Templates.


Click here to find out how Springboard creates data driven Handover Information. 


Step by step in built help and guidance tools are provided here.


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