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Home > Advanced File Management > 03. Managing Files - Bulk Upload - Files List
03. Managing Files - Bulk Upload - Files List
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Start by uploading the files to the Document (Fig 01):


  • Click FILES within the Document, complete the metadata in line with the guidance Introduction to Metadata
  • Click the ADD FILES button, select the files to be uploaded and click OPEN followed by the START UPLOAD button


This files will now be stored against the Document.


Fig 01: How to upload the files to the document



Now prepare the placeholders with the following metadata - Reference, Description, and Revision (Fig 02). This can be uploaded via a spreadsheet or Word format, as long as the column headings match Reference, Description, and Revision. 


To access the Files Lists editor:


  • Click on the PENCIL icon.
  • Click ADD FILES, select IMPORT FILES LIST tab, select FILE TYPE drop down
  • Select and copy (Ctrl + C) columns in your Excel or Word file and paste into the text box
  • Select the appropriate column headings and Click ADD ROWS


Fig 02: How to prepare the placeholders



Once the placeholders are in ready, match the uploaded files to the awaiting placeholders (Fig 03):


  • Click on the PENCIL icon, and select DOCUMENT FILES
  • Sort by the uploaded date, meaning the most recently added will be at the top
  • Click and highlight the files that need to be linked, drag them over to match the awaiting placeholders, files that have been linked will appear as red


Fig 03: Link the files to the placeholders within a files list


Alternatively, multiple files can be uploaded (Fig 04) and the metadata amended afterwards.  This has the same outcome, just a little more time consuming. 


Fig 04: How to add multiple rows and upload multiple files to a files list



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