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Home > Advanced File Management > 02. Managing Files - Introduction to Metadata
02. Managing Files - Introduction to Metadata
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It is vital that all 'metadata' fields about the file are completed. This ensures that information can be found easily including its origination, which is important for audit purposes.


The file upload screen displays a number of metadata fields that need to be completed. 


If these documents are being collected from another file-sharing site or CDE (common data environment) then use the metadata from that site.


Where files are provided with cover sheets e.g. technical submissions, then the information from the cover sheet should be used in the absence of any other guidance.


Good practice notes: To ensure information is not rejected and to reduce rework

1. Keep file references as "clean" as possible. For example, don't repeat the revision or type in the description. Repeating the file type in the description will lead to data errors elsewhere.



2. Descriptions - In certain instances, particularly manufacturers literature or certificates, the file title is missing or unclear or impractical to use. Examples include:






As outlined above, the metadata is vital information that must be populated for each file upload. Simply Double Click within the columns you wish to complete in either free text or use the drop down selections.


Fig 01: How to change file information once file is uploaded - File List 



Fig 02: How to change file information once file has been uploaded - Summary Schedule



The metadata calls for the company details to be added, Springboard collates these to be used again but occasionally new ones have to be created.  Fig 03 details how:


Fig 03: How to add a company


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