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Home > FAQ's > General FAQ's > How is information validated and reviewed?
How is information validated and reviewed?
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Validation on Springboard is carried out both automatically and manually.


Level of Information & Rulesets


Springboard allows information to be validated and checked on entry, stopping data errors at source. Data requirements can be set by asset type meaning only the right information is required for each item. For instance, a pump could require 15 data entries and a wall requires 7 data entries. 


Each data field can have rulesets applied to restrict the values that can be entered. The following entry types are available:


  • Set the field requirements based on a classification e.g. Uniclass
    • Assets (components/types)
    • Systems
    • Files
  • Database field level requirements -
    • Plain Text (no validation)
    • Lookups (references Company Names, Spaces or a Classification)
    • Dropdown Menu (restrict entry to a specific drop down list)
    • Email address format
    • Date format
    • Must be unique
    • Example pre-filled examples
    • Relational lookups - one value prefills other values.
    • Relational filtered lookups - picking on value filters another lookup list
    • String length (max), required units (kg, mm, etc), sting format (XXX/###), set prefix (BLD01-XXX-###)
    • Future - set range of values e.g. less, than, greater than, equal to, max/min, max to deviation)


Data requirements and validation can be requested by project stage (such as RIBA), so information can be delivered progressively.


The result of the validation is displayed in the Springboard platform below, on data entry (green if acceptable, red if invalid), enabling users to visualise the quality of their data immediately. 


Fig 1 - Equipment & Materials Schedule Editor



Checking data in this granular way is inefficient and impractical, therefore the dashboard includes a validation tab which displays a summary. From here it is easy to see and check and correct any invalid information.


Fig 2 - Dashboard Validation Tab



Quality Checks


To further assist with Supply Chain Authors and Modellers we provide a Quality Assurance check based on an agreed criteria. This can be provided at any stage and managed in conjunction with the review teams.


An example QA check:

  • Ensure data entry is accurate, specific and compliant
  • Check attached files match the relevant section
  • Assign maintenance links as per the equipment manufacturers recommendations
  • Track and manage commenting within the system


All QA failures are tasked to the Authors for correction. All transactions i.e. changes, comments and updates are recorded for audit trail purposes.


Workflows & Reviews


All information within the Springboard platform follows a defined workflow. The Workflow can be customised. Each milestone step has a duration assigned to manage the progress of the project using forecasting tools.


Reviews are incorporated into the Workflow, these allow approved individuals to check and comment against sections (and if required editing rights). This process ensures verification of the data within Springboard. 


To make this easier to manage, the workflows and reviews are all summarised in the project dashboards. 


Fig 3 - Dashboard Workflow Tab



Fig 4 - Dashboard Reviews Tab



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