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Home > Manage > 01. Locations Management
01. Locations Management
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To access Locations Management navigate to the Manage page and select

  • (1) Manage
  • (2) Projects from the left hand menu.
  • (3) Locations button


Fig 01.1: Location Navigation


The location management screen will open in a new browser tab and load the (2) Spaces menu by default.

The navigation buttons enables data to be edited for (1) Facilities, (2) Spaces, (3) Floors and (4) Zones.

Location information can be imported via the COBie import tool or manually entered line by line as there is currently no bulk upload or cut and paste functionality.


Note: The Manage Facilities information feature is in beta and currently does not export to COBie. This function is currently carried out here.


Fig 01.2: Location Management


The two left hand columns (Floor Name and Zone) are look up tables whose contents can be edited using (3) Manage Floors and (4) Manage Zones. Data related to the remaining Spaces Columns can be directly edited here.

Note: This is the data that is mapped and exported to the COBie Workbook Floor, Space and Zone sheets.



Setting up the Product Schedules for Space Lookup

To set up the "Space" field lookup so that locations appear in the Product Schedules.

  • Navigate to the Site LOI Management Page as detailed in Fig.03, by selecting 
  • (1) Manage, and (2) Site LOI from the left hand menu and selecting the relevant LOI from the dropdown (3).


Fig 01.3 Site LOI


Find the "Space" column heading as detailed in Fig.04 by

  • Scrolling right or (1) filtering the column name.
  • Select the Column Heading Setup by navigating to the cog symbol (2). 

A modal will appear providing a series of option. 

  • Navigate to the Input column and select "Space Lookup" from the dropdown (3). This will set the product schedules to only validate against the list of pre-determined locations, set above..
  • You can optionally, add some help text into the text box (4) to assist the user e.g.

"Click to type or paste into this column. Search by number or name of the location to find the correct room. You must select an exact match to pass validation."

  • Use the Update (5) to save and close the modal.


Fig 01.4: Site LOI: Setting the Space Lookup


The Product Schedules "Space" column is now setup to validate against the locations table.

In the Document Editor page, navigate to the Product Schedule and using the "View/Edit" open the data editor page as Fig 05 below. 

Click into a cell in the Space column and start typing a room reference, floor, zone name or description. A filtered drop down will appear based on your search, from which the required space can be selected.

If a space does not exist in the locations list then it will fail validation. The lists can be updated if required.


Fig 01.5: Product Schedule Editor page.

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