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Home > Complete an O&M Template > 05. Schedules - File Upload
05. Schedules - File Upload
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To upload a single file to a Summary Schedule use the drag and drop function or upload using the file manager.


Once done, the metadata can be competed as detailed within the Introduction to Metadata


Note:  The file reference and description columns will automatically populate with the file name, for guidance click here. This must be changed to follow the metadata guidance within the Introduction to Metadata.


Click the View/Edit Details button in the Equipment & Materials Schedule view. 


Fig 01: Springboard Equipment and Materials Schedule



  • Click the FILES tab


Fig 02:  Springboard Equipment and Materials Schedule - Files tab



The file manager for summary schedules have the following features. It is recommended that you fill in the schedule data prior to uploading any files.


  1. Click to upload / drag & drop - Multiple files can be uploaded and a new row will be created for each file you upload. This will prefill the reference and description column with the file name and must be changed to suit the metadata guidance.
  2. Add - This adds a new blank row
  3. Right Click Row Text columns - Opens a tool modal
    1. Open >  View file in browser viewer or download original file
    2. Alter Value(s) > Text cleanup tools
    3. Change Case > Changes text case
    4. Unlink >  Unlink file in row
    5. Bulk Suitability Change > Select files and bulk change suitability
    6. Delete Row > Delete row
  4. Right Click File Name - Opens a tool modal
    1. Open >  View file in browser viewer or download original file
    2. Unlink >  Unlink file in row
    3. Bulk Suitability Change > Select files and bulk change suitability
    4. Delete Row > Delete row
  5. Upload - Uploads a single file to the row


Please ensure all file metadata is completed.


Fig 03:  Springboard Summary Schedules Files Editor



Materials and equipment are grouped by TYPES which are defined typically by a model number. Therefore, a single type can have many file attachments, which you may want to add to more than one group.


To do this navigate the the File Name column and select the single file or multiple files. Then using keyboard shortcut COPY (Ctrl+C) copy the files and navigate to another group where you want to add the same information and paste in the row(s) using keyboard shortcut PASTE (Ctrl+V).


This will add a file link and file metadata to that row. If any existing information is already there it will be replaced.


Note: that there is still only a single version of the file and it is actually a file link that is appearing in the row.


As an alternative, once a file is uploaded to the document, you can use the "search for existing file feature" in the File Name column to carry out the same function.


Fig 04: How to upload a single file to a Summary Schedule





Ensure the a spreadsheet or Word file with the following column headings is populated: Reference, Description, Revision and Status. 


To access the Files tab within a Summary Schedule


  • Click on the VIEW/EDIT DETAILS button and select the FILES tab 
  • Select CLICK TO UPLOAD and choose the files and click OPEN


Your files will upload to the schedule, after which you can add metadata either by directly typing into the cells or copy (Ctrl + C, CTRL + V) from a spreadsheet as shown in Fig 01.


  • Select SAVE & CLOSE when complete


Fig 01: How to upload multiple files



Note: If you want to copy these files into other section of the schedule, select the file name within the FILE column and copy (Ctrl + C, CTRL + V)  into the awaiting rows (Fig 02).


Fig 02 - How to copy files to many types 



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